Document Details Pendules Electriques A l'usage de l'Enseignement techniquw superieur:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Pendules Electriques A l'usage de l'Enseignement techniquw superieur
SubTitle: [Electrical Clocks, {a textbook] for the use in teaching at higher technichal schools] - Author: J Granier
- Publisher: Dunod
Keywords: textbook electrical electromechanical electronic
Language: FRE
Notes: A textbook on Electrical clocks published in 1935 in France (in French) by a science professor at the University of Besancon. Considdered the standard text on the subject in French at its time. 105 black and white illustrations (line drawings) in the text. Covers both pendulum and balance wheel clocks, much on time systems
Edition: 1935 -- Copyright: 1935
Kind: Book
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Not Geographic
Topic: ElectricalScience
Organization: School
Pages: 171 -- Height in cm: 25
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 11641 - Publisher: Dunod
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