Document Details Rund um die Uhr (article from the Zuritip section of Tahesanzeiger, June 15.-21. 2006 edition, No.24):
Number of documents found: 30
- Title: *PC* Anhaengeuhren in Form von Obst bzw. Musikinstrumenten Aus der Uhrensamlung der Schriftstellerin Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U123 - Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Edition: PC0494 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: ArtDesignFashion
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17825
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Astronomisch-astrologische Uhr - Jaques Maire, Wien 1. Viertel 18.Jh.
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U113- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Jacques Marie
- Publisher:
Keywords: astronomical clock
Edition: PC0471 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17800
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Astronomisch-astrologische Uhr - Johann Joachim Obkircher, Wien 4. Viertel 17.Jh.
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U110- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Johann Joachim Obkircher
- Publisher:
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Obkircher
Edition: PC0472 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17801
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Astronomische Kunstuhr (Rueckseite) von Frater David a San Cajetano (David Rutschmann), Wien 1869
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U126- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Frater David a San Cajetano
- Publisher:
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Edition: PC0468 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17797
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Astronomische Kunstuhr (Vorderseite) nvon Frater David a San Cajetano (David Rutschmann), Wien 1869
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U111- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Frater David a San Cajetano
- Publisher:
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Edition: PC0467 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17796
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Astronomische Standuhr, Philipp Fertbauer Wien 1810-1815
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U103- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Philipp Fertbauer
- Publisher:
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Fertbauer
Edition: PC0469 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17798
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Bilderuhr mit der Ansicht des befestigten Wien vom Donaukanal aus - Carl Ludwig Hoffmeister, Wien 1828
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U109- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Carl Ludwig Hoffmeister
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bilderuhr pictureclock
Edition: PC0487 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Wall clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17818
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Bilderuhr mit der Ansicht des Wiener Stephansdomes, Wien um 1830
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U101- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bilderuhr pictureclock
Edition: PC0489 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Wall clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17820
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Bilderuhr sig. und dat. C[arl] L[udwig] Hoffmeister, Wien 1833
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U32- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Carl Ludwig Hoffmeister
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bilderuhr pictureclock
Edition: PC0488 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Wall clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17819
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Fliegerarmbanduhr [Aviator wristwatch] und Beobachtungsuhr (fuer den Bombenabwuref) Wien 1942 bezw. Schweix 1940
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U119- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: military aviation
Edition: PC0495 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Wrist Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17826
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Kommodenstanduhr - Wie, Anfang 19. Jahrhundert
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U121- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0478 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17807
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Kommodenstanduhr "Schifferl-Uhr" - Johann Ratzenhofer, Wien um 1840 [{Figural clock with a boatsman]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U107- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Johann Ratzenhofer
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0475 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17804
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Kommodenstanduhr Josef Hoffmann, Wiener Werkstaette - Wien um 1905
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U104- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Josef Hoffmann
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0482 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: ArtDesignFashion
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17811
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Konsolenuhr [Bracket clock], Oesterreich um 1700 [maker unknown]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U122- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0470 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17799
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Reiseuhr aus dem Besitz des Herzoges von Reischstadt (Sohn Napoleons) - Wien um 1815
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U112- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0477 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17806
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Spiegel- bezw. Monstranzuhr, Johann Schneider, Augsburg um 1680
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U102- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Johann Schneider
- Publisher:
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Johann Schneider
Edition: PC0473 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17802
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Standuhr - Figurenuhr - Oestereich um 1800 [Figural Clock of 2 orientals and big bird]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U106- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0481 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17810
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Standuhr - Figurenuhr - Wien um 1788 [Figural Clock of 2 women, soldier and childe]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U105- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Joseph Riedl
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0480 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17809
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Standuhr - Figureuhr [Reiter] - Oesterreich um 1820 [Figural Clock of soldier on a horse]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U114- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0476 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17805
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Standuhr in Form eines Bergwerkes - Karl Morawetz, Wien - 1891
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U116- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Karl Morawetz
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0483 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17812
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Standuhr in Form eines Bergwerkes - Karl Morawetz, Wien - 1891 [tan background]
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U31- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Karl Morawetz
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0384 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17813
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Stockuhr - Wien um 1830
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U108- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: specific clock
Edition: PC0474 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17803
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Taschenuhr [in Form einer Violine] - Bordier, Genf um 1800 (Sammlung Marie Freiin Ebner von Eschenbach)
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U23- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: violin
Edition: PC0492 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: ArtDesignFashion
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17823
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Taschenuhren aus der Sammlung der Dichterin Marie Ebner von Eschenbach, um 1820
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U29- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Marie EbnerVonEschenbach
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Edition: PC0493 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17824
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Verschiedene Damen Taschenuhren - Um 1900
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U120- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Edition: PC0491 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17822
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Vogelkaefig [mit mechanischer Musik] , Bontemps, Paris um 1850
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U115- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Bontemps
- Publisher:
Edition: PC0485 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Mechanical music
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17816
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Zappler - Johann Rettich, Wien um 1830
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U117- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Johann Rettich
- Publisher:
Keywords: miniature/small clock
Other Keywords: Zappler
Edition: PC0479 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Shelf clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17808
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Zifferblatt der Bodenstanduhr von Frater David a San Cajetano, Wien 1869
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U19- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Frater David a San Cajetano
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Edition: PC0466 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17795
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: *PC* Zwiebeluhr [Ognion] - Isaac Roberts, London um 1770
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U124- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Isaac Roberts
- Publisher:
Keywords: watch
Edition: PC0490 -- Copyright: 2003
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17821
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki- Title: Sanduhr - Johannes Andreas Zick, Nuernberg 164
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U118- Author: Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Andreas Zick
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: sandglass hourglass
Edition: PC0486 -- Copyright: 2003
Type: Non-mechanical
Geographic area: Austria
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17817
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki - Publisher:
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