Document Details Horizontalsonnenuhren in Niederbayern:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Horologists ponder mystery of how 19th century chronometer survived fatal Arctic expedition
SubTitle: Timepiece [Arnold No. 294] linked to Sir John Franklin's fatal Artic expedition returns to Britain disguised as a carriage clock - Author: Maev Kennedy
- Publisher:
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Arnold 294 Franklin northwest passage
Language: ENG
Notes: Weboffprint of a newspaper article (The Guardian, UK, May 20, 2009) about the 2009 'rediscovery' of the marine chronometer Arnold No. 294, now disguised as a carriage clock. The clock had been on the ill fated try in 1845 to ind the north west passage, and was believed lost in the arctic at that time.
Edition: 2009-05-20 -- Copyright: 2009
Kind: Article
Type: Marine Chronometer
Geographic area: United Kingdom
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 3 -- Height in cm: 28
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 14095 - Publisher:
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