Document Details Die Uhr im alten Rathaus von Esslingen:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: *PC* Bahnhofautomat, Firma Auguste Lasseur, Sainte Croix, Hoehe 97cm, 1896 - Musikautomatenmuseum Seewen SO
SubTitle: Stand ehemals im Bahnhof Sissach BL [Train station, waiting room automaton, formerly in Sisach BL] - Author: fur Musikautomaten Seewen[Switzerland], Museum
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: Seewen
Language: GER
Edition: PC0436 -- Copyright: 2006
Kind: Chapter
Type: Mechanical music
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17671
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki - Publisher:
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