Document Details Sonnen Sektor, eine vielseitige Gartenplastik:
Number of documents found: 2
- Title: Restauration de Cadran Solaires - Club du Vieux Manoir
SubTitle: Les Cahier Medievaux No, 25, Numero special Avril 1987 - Author: Alain Tillier, Guy Thieux, Therese Beckelynck, Benoit Rousseau
- Publisher: Cahier Medievaux, Club du Vieux Manoir
Keywords: how-to
Language: FRE
Notes: illustrated handbook on the restauration of old sundials
Edition: 1987 -- Copyright: 1987
Kind: Book
Type: Sundials
Geographic area: France
Topic: Restore
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 96 -- Height in cm: 22
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
BHM No: 6692- Title: Sauvetage et Restauratio des Cadrans Solaires
- Author: Alain Tillier
- Publisher:
Kind: Content
Pages: 7-9
BHM No: 8745
Parent Document ID: 6692 - Parent Document Title: Restauration de Cadran Solaires - Club du Vieux Manoir - Publisher: Cahier Medievaux, Club du Vieux Manoir
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