Document Details *PC* Schwarzwaldhaus - In diesem Haus, dem sog. Glashof zu Waldau (Rodeck) verfertigten um 1640 die Gebruder Kreuz die erste Schwarzwalder-Uhr:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: *PC* Schwarzwaldhaus - In diesem Haus, dem sog. Glashof zu Waldau (Rodeck) verfertigten um 1640 die Gebruder Kreuz die erste Schwarzwalder-Uhr
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard] mailed 2 July 1920 - Author: Gebr. Metz[Photograper]
- Publisher:
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Kreuz Glashof Waldau Rodeck Roedeck
Notes: colored postcard mailed 2 July 1090 from Bad Burheim ,with penciled text, image showing a color image of the farm where as per the legend the first blackforest clock was built around 1640 by the brothers Kreutz
Edition: PC0038a
Kind: Chapter
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 14047
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki - Publisher:
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