Document Details A classical experiment illustrating the notion of "jerk":
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Account of the Orrery [from Pensylavania Gazette March 28, 1771, uigned, probably by William Smith]
SubTitle: [refers to the 1767 Rittenhouse orrery, now known as the Princeton Rittenhouse orrery] - Author: David Rittenhouse, William Smith
- Publisher:
Notes: A newspaper account of the public showing of the 1767 Rittenhouse orrery in Philadelphia, reprinted in the appendix of the 1954 Princeton exhibition book.
Kind: Chapter
Type: Scientific instrument
Geographic area: USA
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: NA/other
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 10778
Parent Document ID: 10775 - Parent Document Title: Rittenhouse Orrery , Princeton's Eighteenth-Century Planetarium - A commentary on the exhibition held at the Princeton Library - Publisher:
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