Document Details Gott Allein die Ehre, engraved on Philip Melanchthon's Watch of 1530:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Gott Allein die Ehre, engraved on Philip Melanchthon's Watch of 1530
SubTitle: [An article on page 249ff of Lutheran Quarterly, Volume XV, 2001, plus weboffprints regarding the watch from the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore] - Author: Walters Art Museum, George Thomas, Maia Wellington Gahtan
- Publisher: Lutheran Quarterly
Keywords: specific watch
Other Keywords: Bisam Melachthon Nuernberg Walters Baltimore oldest
Language: ENG
Notes: An article describing a old wristwatch supposedly owned by Nuernberg Reformator Philip Melanchton dated 1530. If authentic this would make it the oldest dated portable timekeeper (watch). The watch is in the Walters Museum of Art in Baltimore (USA) where it is exhibited as an art object (it is housed in a Bisam Apple type case). The article is coauthored by George Thomas who 'restored' the clock in the 1990s. Offprint from the Lutheran Quarterly website. Attached is weboffprint from the catalog entry on this watch from the Museums website.
Edition: 2001-Vol XV -- Copyright: 2001
Kind: Article
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Pages: 24 -- Height in cm: 27
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 15323 - Publisher: Lutheran Quarterly
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