Document Details Amerikaneruhren - made in Germany [American Clocks - made in Germany] - Ueber die Einfluesse der amerikanishen Uhrenindustrie ...:
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- Title: Amerikaneruhren - made in Germany [American Clocks - made in Germany] - Ueber die Einfluesse der amerikanishen Uhrenindustrie ...
SubTitle: ... auf die Fertigung von Uhren in Deutschland [The Impact of the US ClockIndustry on clock manufacturing in Germany] - Author: Gisela Lixfeld
- Publisher:
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Amerikaneruhren
Language: GER
Notes: A powerpoint presentation of the section 1 of a talk delivered at the 2010 colloquium on 'Interchangability'at the Centre 'Homme et le temps' at the 'Musee Internationale d' Horlogerie' in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). Gisela Lixfeld is the Director of the City Museum of Schramberg, and an expert in the history of the Junghans Company. She has curated temporary exhibits on the wave of making 'american' style clocks in the black forest region of Germany in the second half of the 19th century. Her copresenter for part 2 was Heirich Schmid an expert and scholar of factory made German clocks of the 19th and early 20th century. Lixfeld talked on the conceptual and marketing themes and Schmid on the manufacturing technnology aspects.
Edition: 2010-11 -- Copyright: 2010
Kind: Manuscript
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: Maker
Pages: 16 -- Height in cm: 21
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 16226 - Publisher:
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