Document Details 1001 relojes de pulsera - desede 1925 hasta la actualidad:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: 1001 relojes de pulsera - desede 1925 hasta la actualidad
SubTitle: [1001 wirstwatches - from 1925 to the present, Spanish language edition] - Author: Martin Haeussermann[Editor], Ambrosio Berrasain Villanueva[Translator]
- Publisher: Parragon Books
Keywords: watch
ISBN: 978 1 4054 9798 5
Language: SPA
Notes: Coffee table book on tyhe history of wristwatches in Spanish (translation of the 2006 title published by Heel, Germany).
Edition: 2007 -- Copyright: 2006
Kind: ook
Type: Wrist Watch
Geographic area: Not Geographic
Topic: History
Pages: 296 -- Height in cm: 27
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 17253 - Publisher: Parragon Books
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