Document Details Art of Breguet [The..] - [1994-10] October 1994 [English edition]:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Arthur Paul Walsh and Samuel Hammond
SubTitle: [An article in the December 1996 issue of Bulletin of the NAWCC exploring the relationshib between London chronometer maker and his NY Agent 18060s] - Author: Gerrit Jijssen
- Publisher:
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: Hammond Walsh agent
Edition: December -- Copyright: 1996
Kind: Article
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: United Kingdom
Topic: History
Organization: Wholesale
Pages: 749ff
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 19165
Parent Document ID: 3007 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 1996, No. 300-305, Vol. XXXVIII - Publisher:
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