Document Details *PC* Musee du Temps, Besancon - Montre sectorielle - Suisse, Xxeme siecle:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Oignon mit Halbstundenschlag mittels Schlossscheibe von Cogniet a Paris um 1700
SubTitle: [A pocketwatch with halfourstriking and countwheel by Cogniot Paris around 1700] - Author: Kurt Langmantl
- Publisher:
Keywords: F-Paris watch -- Copyright: 2010
Kind: Chapter
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: France
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 29-30
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 15303
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie - Publisher:
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