Document Details *PC* Carillionklok met versteektbarer trommel, Zuid Nederland ca. 1680 (latere wijzerplat):
Number of documents found: 2
- Title: Chaotic Clock Models: A Paridigm for Noise in Machines
- Author: Francis C. Moon
- Publisher: web
Other Keywords: noise chaos
Notes: brief note published on web - more complete paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - search for other papers by Moon -- Copyright: 2002
Pages: 4
Entered By: bob
BHM No: 11682 - Title: Coexisting chaotic and periodic dynamics in clock escapements
- Author: Francis C. Moon
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: escapement model
Notes: examines dynamics of clock escapements from experimental, historical and analytical points of view. examines dry friction in train. model of escapement created.
Edition: vol 364 -- Copyright: 2006
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Not Geographic
Topic: EscapmentScie
Pages: 2539 -2563
Entered By: bob
BHM No: 11680
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
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