Document Details Save Lost Time Costs the Cincnnati Way - A time recorder to meet every need:
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- Title: Sanierungsbestrebungen in der Schweizerischen Uhrenindustrie seit 1928 und deren Auswirkungen
- Author: R. Schild
- Publisher: Vogt-Schild
Keywords: history
Language: GER
Notes: study on mergers and anticompetive behavior in an effort to streamline the Swiss watch industry 1928-1936 (in german)
Edition: 1936 -- Copyright: 1936
Kind: Book
Type: Watch (general)
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: Economics
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 254 -- Height in cm: 23
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
BHM No: 3147 - Publisher: Vogt-Schild
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