Document Details Zeit ein sonderbar Ding [Die...] - 1856-1956 - Zeit theilt, eilt, heilt - 100 Jahre Andreas Huber:
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- Title: Zeit ein sonderbar Ding [Die...] - 1856-1956 - Zeit theilt, eilt, heilt - 100 Jahre Andreas Huber
SubTitle: Werstaetten fuer Feinuhrmacherei und Chronometrie, Muenchen - Author: Andreas Huber
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock watch timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Huber Munich Muenchen
Language: GER
Notes: Commemorative hardbond ca 120 page booklet (unpaginated) on occasion of centenary of the Munich (Germany) watch retailer Andreas Huber, with vigbets of horological and corporate history
Edition: 1956, 1st edition -- Copyright: 1956
Kind: Book
Type: Timekeeper (general)
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: Retail
Pages: 120 -- Height in cm: 20
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 18211 - Publisher:
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