Document Details A. Schild SA (Grenchen) - Caliber 1382, 1395, 1396, 1402 - 11 1/2''' - 26mm - Lever movement, self winding, sweep second, with power indicator/ day..:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: 28th Annual NAWCC Convention - June 8, 9, 10, 1972 - Jackson, Missisippi
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet] - Author: NAWCC-Chapter41-MagnoliaChapter[Missisippi]
- Publisher: Chapter 41 Magnolia Chapter (Missisippi) NAWCC
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Convention Missisippi 1972
Language: ENG
Notes: Program booklet for the 1972 NAWCC annual convention in Jackson Missisippi
Edition: 1972 -- Copyright: 1972
Kind: Book
Type: Timekeeper (general)
Geographic area: USA
Topic: Sociology
Organization: ColAssociation
Pages: 12 -- Height in cm: 21
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 14372
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