Document Details 2013 - Tourneau - Time is ticking... - Which Watch makes the Perfect gift? - #Tourneauknows:
Number of documents found: 2
- Title: Experimental Arcades: The Materiality of Time Relations in Life Sciences, Art and Technology (1830-1930)
SubTitle: Conferenece at the Bauhaus University Weimar, 24.-16. May 2002 - Author: Jakob Messerli, Henning Schmidgen, James Griesemer, Peter Galison, Christian Kassung, Johannes Graf, Joseph Wachelder, Janina Wellmann, Bettina Wahrig, Julia Voss, Grant Yamashita, Christopher Kelty, Hannah Landecker
- Publisher: Max Planck Institut fuer Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Keywords: time
ISBN: ISSN 0948-9444
Language: ENG/GER
Notes: Proceedings of a scholarely symposium on Materiality of Time Relations. See mIndex tab for details
Edition: 2002 -- Copyright: 2002
Kind: Book
Type: TIME
Geographic area: Global
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 216 -- Height in cm: 30
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
BHM No: 5858- Title: Isochronie und Synchronie - Zur apparativen und epistemologischen Genese des Kopiertelegraphen
- Author: Christian Kassung
- Publisher:
Kind: Content
BHM No: 7734
Parent Document ID: 5858 - Parent Document Title: Experimental Arcades: The Materiality of Time Relations in Life Sciences, Art and Technology (1830-1930) - Publisher: Max Planck Institut fuer Wirtschaftsgeschichte
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