Document Details *PC* Deutsches Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen] -Tischuhr mit vergoldetem Adler auf Mahagoni Sockel, Messingwerk, Wien, um 1830:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Observations du Pendule - Tomme XV, 1er fascicule
SubTitle: Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre (service geographique) - Author: General Derrecagaix
- Publisher:
Keywords: precision measurement gravity measurement pendulum
Other Keywords: gravity
Language: FRE
Notes: A 1896 report on the experiments of the Geographic Sercvice of the French Army on studying and measuring gravity through a arecision pendulum ( following up on the British experiments by Katter and by Bessel). 4 plates
Edition: 1894 -- Copyright: 1894
Kind: Book
Type: Scientific instrument
Geographic area: France
Topic: PendulumScience
Organization: Government
Pages: 196 -- Height in cm: 28
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 11580 - Publisher:
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