Document Details aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - [Series:] Kulturgeschichtliche Spaziergaenge im Germanischen Nationalmuseum]:
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- Title: aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - [Series:] Kulturgeschichtliche Spaziergaenge im Germanischen Nationalmuseum]
SubTitle: [Austellungsfuehrer und Katalog] [The worlds oldest portable watch? The Henlein Watch Controversey] - Author: Thomas Esser[Curator], Stepnanie Armer[Catalog Editor], Roland Schewe[Exhibit Conservator]
- Publisher: Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein first watch
ISBN: 978-3-936688-92-4
Language: GER
Notes: A hardcover, book-sized, richly illustrated catalog [in German] of the 2014/2015 temporary exhibition (87 exhibited objects) relating to the 2011 to 2014 scholarly examination to the traditional claim that a certain 'Dosenuhr'(can watch) atributed to Nuernberg Clockmaker Peter Henlein (bearing the signature 'Petrus Hele' and claiming to be made ca 1515) is the first portable watch. The study and the resulting exhibit proove that both claims are false and examines which of a handful of candidates has the best claim to that honor. Several hunderd illustrations (mostly in color), extensive bibliography and scholarly inventory of all existing documented 16th century German made portable watches(49 samples), and detailed Catalog of the exhibited 87 objects.
Edition: 2014 -- Copyright: 2014
Kind: Book
Type: Pocket Watch
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: Exhibition
Pages: 232 -- Height in cm: 24
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 19638 - Publisher: Germanisches Nationalmuseum
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