Document Details Aeltete Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] - Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - Germanisches Nationalmuseum [Poster60x80 cm]:
Number of documents found: 2
- Title: A simple optical transducer for the measurement of small vibration amplitudes
- Author: Armando Cimino, L. Bolton
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: sensor displacement vibration shadow optical
Pages: 947 - 8
BHM No: 8182
Parent Document ID: 6160 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Physics E - Scintific Instruments- Title: Time Measurement
SubTitle: An Introduction to Means and Ways of Reckoning Physical and Civil Time. [part of Bell's Natural Science Series]- Author: L. Bolton
- Publisher: Bell & Sons
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: timekeeping
Language: ENG
Notes: A pupular reader book introducing timekeeping and its history, illustrated
Edition: 1924, 1st edition -- Copyright: 1924
Kind: Book
Type: TIME
Geographic area: United Kingdom
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 166 -- Height in cm: 19
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 8964 - Publisher:
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