Document Details Almanach des Horlogers pour l'an 1897 - Septieme Annee:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Almanach des Horlogers pour l'an 1897 - Septieme Annee
SubTitle: [Ca 50 pages of text and ca 30 pages of advertising, annual] - Author: Charles Gros[Editor]
- Publisher:
Keywords: CH/F-Jura watch
Other Keywords: almanach St.Imier
Language: FRE
Edition: 1892 -- Copyright: 1892
Kind: Periodical
Type: Watch (general)
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: Calenders
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 80 -- Height in cm: 22
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 19897 - Publisher:
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