Document Details Roemische Eigenheim [Das...] - De Artchitectura Privata [A bilingual latin/german text on how to build a perfect residence ...:
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- Title: So richtig gestritten haben wir nur als Kinder [An Interview with Nayla Hayek on her first year as Chairperson of the Swatch group]
SubTitle: Nayla Hayek... sagt wie sie mit ihrem Konzernchef und Bruder Nick zusammenarbeitet und was sie von ihrem Vater Nicholas gelernt hat - 24. Juni 2011 - Author: Adrian Sulc
- Publisher:
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Nayla Hayek
Language: GER
Notes: Weboffprint of An Interview with Nayla Hayek on her first year as Chairperson of the Swatch group
Edition: 2011-06-24 -- Copyright: 2011
Kind: Article
Type: Wrist Watch
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: Economics
Organization: Brand
Pages: 5 -- Height in cm: 27
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 16058 - Publisher:
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