Document Details 1917 et l'ivresse des pendules:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Adressbuch f?r die deutsche Uhren- und Mech. Musikwerke-Industrie [1904]
SubTitle: CD-ROM Edition f?r wissenschaftliche Zwecke - Author: Willhelm Weisske
- Publisher: Willhelm Weisske & Co
Keywords: directory reference
Other Keywords: addresses mechanical music manufacturers trademarks wholesalers exporters
Language: GER
Notes: CD Rom with jpg files of each page (458 of them plus advertisments) of this extremly rare 1904 adress book for all companies in Germany associated with the horological and mechanical music trades. Has seperate listings for 10 sections: 1) Alphabetical comany listings (110 pages), 2. Listings by 20 different industry sectors ( including tools, machines, parts, cases movements etc), 3. Agents and Exporters 4. Spacalties 5. Trademarks 6. Manuafactureers and Wholesalers by Geography 7. Independent retailers by residence 8. Horological Schools 9. Associations
Edition: 2005 CD Edition -- Copyright: 1904
Kind: DATA
Type: Timekeeper (general)
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: Reference
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 458 -- Height in cm: 12
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 7596 - Publisher: Willhelm Weisske & Co
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