Document Details Sligh - Clock Collection - 1988-1989 - Sligh. For people who know the difference:
Number of documents found: 34
- Title: Alte Preislisten (Glashuette 1878)
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 22 -- Copyright: 1983
Kind: Content
Pages: 137
BHM No: 12896
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22- Title: Alte wissenschaftliche Geraete
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 29 -- Copyright: 1990
Kind: Content
Pages: 121
BHM No: 13110
Parent Document ID: 1133 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 29- Title: Bilder aus dem letzten Jahrhundert, die fuer sich selbst sprechen
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 31 -- Copyright: 1992
Kind: Content
Pages: 115
BHM No: 13171
Parent Document ID: 1131 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 31- Title: Das Astrolabium und die Uhr
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 15 -- Copyright: 1976
Kind: Content
Pages: 26
BHM No: 12679
Parent Document ID: 482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 15- Title: Das Astrolabium und die Uhr (Fortsetzung)
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 16 -- Copyright: 1977
Kind: Content
Pages: 103
BHM No: 12717
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16- Title: Das Ruetschmann Planetarium
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 23 -- Copyright: 1984
Kind: Content
Pages: 45
BHM No: 12912
Parent Document ID: 1139 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 23- Title: Das sogenannte indische Astrolabium, eine Meisterfaelschung!
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 20 -- Copyright: 1981
Kind: Content
Pages: 171
BHM No: 12835
Parent Document ID: 485 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 20- Title: Das Torquetum oder Tuerkengeraet
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 31 -- Copyright: 1992
Kind: Content
Pages: 171
BHM No: 13180
Parent Document ID: 1131 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 31- Title: Das Tuerkengeraet: Eine vielseitige Sonnenuhr
- Author: HueginJohann, Rene R.J. Rohr
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 36 -- Copyright: 1997
Kind: Content
Pages: 94
BHM No: 12999
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36- Title: Das Wuppertaler Uhrenmuseum
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 24 -- Copyright: 1985
Kind: Content
Pages: 159
BHM No: 12943
Parent Document ID: 1138 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 24- Title: Die antike Wasseruhr
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 16 -- Copyright: 1977
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 12701
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16- Title: Die Uhr der Zytglogge zu Bern
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 26 -- Copyright: 1987
Kind: Content
Pages: 85
BHM No: 13024
Parent Document ID: 1757 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26- Title: Die Zeitaufzeichnung vor der Raederuhr
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 17 -- Copyright: 1978
Kind: Content
Pages: 135
BHM No: 12752
Parent Document ID: 2733 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 17- Title: Einfuehrung
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 21 -- Copyright: 1982
Kind: Content
Pages: 11
BHM No: 12853
Parent Document ID: 1758 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 21- Title: Eingelegter Bastelbogen einer Schwarzwaelder Holzraederuhr
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 24 -- Copyright: 1985
Kind: Content
BHM No: 12944
Parent Document ID: 1138 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 24- Title: Eingelegter Bastelbogen mit verschiedenen Groessen von Mondphasenscheiben
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 23 -- Copyright: 1984
Kind: Content
Pages: 189
BHM No: 12926
Parent Document ID: 1139 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 23- Title: Eingelegter Bastelbogen mit zwei Sonnenuhren und einem Nokturlab
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 22 -- Copyright: 1983
Kind: Content
BHM No: 12909
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22- Title: Gruesse zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 31 -- Copyright: 1992
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13159
Parent Document ID: 1131 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 31- Title: Lieber Uhrenfreund
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 37 -- Copyright: 1998
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13016
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37- Title: Mechanische Besonderheiten beim Bau mittelalterlicher astronomischer Uhren
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 21 -- Copyright: 1982
Kind: Content
Pages: 31
BHM No: 12855
Parent Document ID: 1758 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 21- Title: Mechanische Uhrwerke vom Altertum bis Mittelalter
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 19 -- Copyright: 1980
Kind: Content
Pages: 7
BHM No: 12789
Parent Document ID: 1454 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 19- Title: Schreibende und zeichnende Automaten (Androiden)
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 22 -- Copyright: 1983
Kind: Content
Pages: 23
BHM No: 12883
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22- Title: Selection of Technical Articles from Schweizer Uhren und Schmuckjournal 1967-1976
SubTitle: Compiled by J. Huegin- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher: The Author, Filderstadt Germany
Keywords: anthology
Language: GER
Notes: A bound compilation of various technical articles 1967 to 1979 from the Schwezer Uhren und Schmuckjournal
Edition: 1976 -- Copyright: 1967
Kind: Manuscript
Type: Timekeeper (general)
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 300 -- Height in cm: 28
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 10039- Title: Sternenuhr
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 22 -- Copyright: 1983
Kind: Content
Pages: 161
BHM No: 12900
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22- Title: Turmuhren
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 30 -- Copyright: 1991
Kind: Content
Pages: 121
BHM No: 13142
Parent Document ID: 1132 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 30- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 27 -- Copyright: 1988
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13044
Parent Document ID: 1135 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 27- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 26 -- Copyright: 1987
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 12963
Parent Document ID: 1757 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 28 -- Copyright: 1989
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13064
Parent Document ID: 1134 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 28- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 29 -- Copyright: 1990
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13092
Parent Document ID: 1133 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 29- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 32 -- Copyright: 1993
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13191
Parent Document ID: 1130 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 32- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 33 -- Copyright: 1994
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13214
Parent Document ID: 12482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 33- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 34 -- Copyright: 1995
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13245
Parent Document ID: 1129 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 34- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 35 -- Copyright: 1996
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 13269
Parent Document ID: 1127 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 35- Title: Zum Jahrbuch
- Author: HueginJohann
- Publisher:
Language: GER
Notes: A Paper in the yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, the German society of horological collectors and scholars
Edition: 36 -- Copyright: 1997
Kind: Content
Pages: 9
BHM No: 12985
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36 - Publisher:
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