Document Details Scanned Image of tite page of : Traite des Horloges Marines, contenant la Theorie, la Construction, la Main-d'Oevre de ces Machines, ...:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto
- Author: Elsa Stoco
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: Sundials
Edition: 2020 -- Copyright: 2020
Kind: Article
Type: Sundials
Geographic area: Italy
Topic: Astronomy
Organization: SciAssociation
Pages: p.64-72 - 8 pages
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 23852
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)] - Publisher:
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