Document Details S.LaRose - Summer Flyer 2001 - Catalog #275:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Schwenninger Schildermalerei
SubTitle: [In "Der Museumsfreund, aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden-W?rttemberg, Heft 2"] - Author: Rudolf Str?bel
- Publisher:
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest dial/hands
Other Keywords: Schwenningen Schildmahlerei Lackschild
Language: GER
Notes: Local dialpainters in Schwenningen (illustrated), an article in issue 2 (1962) of the journal of the association of town and local museums in Baden-W?rttemberg
Edition: 2 -- Copyright: 1962
Kind: Article
Type: Wall clock
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 36-43
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 10241
Parent Document ID: 10155 - Parent Document Title: Museumsfreund [Der] , aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden/Wuerttenberg - - Heft 2 [1962] - Publisher:
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