Document Details *PC* Uhrnachermeister Friedrich Schmollgruber, Wien und Styr Ateyr - Austria - Auto-Mechanisch:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: A demonstration of dry and viscous damping of an oscillating pendulum
- Author: L F C Zonetti
- Publisher:
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: damping
Notes: "Abstract. Damped oscillatory motion is one of the most widely studied movements in physics courses. Despite this fact, dry damped oscillatory motion is not commonly discussed in physics textbooks. In this work, we discuss the dry and viscous damped pendulum, in a teaching experiment that can easily be performed by physics or engineering students."
Edition: 1999 vol 20 p 85 -- Copyright: 1999
Kind: Article
Type: Other
Geographic area: Not Geographic
Topic: PendulumScience
Organization: School
Pages: 85 - 88
Entered By: rah
BHM No: 14261
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics - Publisher:
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