Document Details Roentgen Museum Neuwied - 90 Jahre - Einladung Sonntag 21.Oktober 2018 - Jubilaeumsfest:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Roentgen Museum Neuwied - 90 Jahre - Einladung Sonntag 21.Oktober 2018 - Jubilaeumsfest
SubTitle: [Invitation to the 90th anniversary reception of the Roentgen Museum Neuwied [highgrade German tallcase clocks] - Author: Bernd Willscheid
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Roentgen Museum
Language: GER
Edition: 2018-10-28 -- Copyright: 2018
Kind: Handbill/Flyer
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: Germany
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: Museum
Pages: 4 -- Height in cm: 21
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 22399 - Publisher:
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