Document Details Horologi ElementariDivisi ij quattro Parti - 2Fatti con l'Aqua-2 Con la Terra-3Con Airia-4Col Fuco. - [ The Clocks of the Elements in Four Parts ]:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Horlogerie, Trefilerie, Textile - Zur Industriegeschichte Biels
SubTitle: Zur Austellung [Museum Neuhaus, Biel] - Author: Ingrid Ehrensperger, Pietro Scandola
- Publisher:
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne
Other Keywords: Biel
Language: GER
Notes: Brochure describing the exhibits at Museum Neuhaus in Biel Switzerland dealing with the history of local industry in watchmaking, 1850 to 1950). 7 1/2 pages on watch industry, illustrated
Edition: 1995 -- Copyright: 1995
Kind: Book
Type: Watch (general)
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: History
Organization: Museum
Pages: 17 -- Height in cm: 21
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 10889 - Publisher:
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