Document Details Safe Deposit Boxes arem't safe [NYTimes Jul19,2029]:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Set of Philateleletic First Days Covers - Switzerland 1996-Sept.10 - Helvetia - 4 envelopes with blocks of 4 stamps
SubTitle: [Subject of series: Automates a musique-Musikautomaten-Apparecchi musicali mechanici | FDC PTT 1996 | - Author: Swiss-Postal-Service, Beat Bruesch[artist], CourvoisierSA[Printer]
- Publisher:
Keywords: musical antique
Other Keywords: musicbox
Language: GER
Kind: Ephemera
Type: Mechanical music
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: NA/other
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 22671 - Publisher:
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