Document Details Robert Crowder Clockery Handcrafts Co. Ltd. - Cincinnati, Ohio [USA]:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Robert Crowder Clockery Handcrafts Co. Ltd. - Cincinnati, Ohio [USA]
SubTitle: [A 8 panels color illustrated fan-fold capabilities brochure of a company selling primarily overpriced replicas of historic timepieces] - Author: Robert Crowder
- Publisher:
Language: ENG
Notes: [A 8 panels color illustrated fan-fold capabilities brochure of a company selling primarily overpriced replicas of historic timepieces]
Edition: 1995 ca undated -- Copyright: 1995
Kind: TradeCat
Type: Clock (general)
Geographic area: China-HK
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: MarketerGeneral
Pages: 6 p fanfold -- Height in cm: 21
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 23659 - Publisher:
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