Document Details Die Zeitmacher von Neuenburg [The Time-makers of Neuchatel] - An illustrated 9 photographs b&w literary article in the NZZ Sunday 19 July 1999 Ed. -:
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- Title: Die Zeitmacher von Neuenburg [The Time-makers of Neuchatel] - An illustrated 9 photographs b&w literary article in the NZZ Sunday 19 July 1999 Ed. -
SubTitle: [A repotage on Neuchatels role as the home of the official timesignal of Switzerland, p107-109 of Seizerlands leadon newspaper] - Author: Emil Zopfi, Urs Siegentler[Photographer]
- Publisher:
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Other Keywords: Obvservatory
Language: GER
Edition: 1999 18/19 Sept. -- Copyright: 1999
Kind: Article
Type: Time system
Geographic area: Switzerland
Topic: NA/Other
Organization: SciAssociation
Pages: 3 -- Height in cm: 50
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 23685 - Publisher:
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