Document Details Some Thoughts on Grandfather Clocks: Large Format Edition (Over 600 illustations of clocks from around the world):
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- Title: Some Thoughts on Grandfather Clocks: Large Format Edition (Over 600 illustations of clocks from around the world)
SubTitle: [a somewhat amusing (tounge in cheek style) Book on 'Grandfather clocks' published 'print on demand] - Author: Vincent Flannery, L.A.Prade, Vincent Flannery[Cartoon-Drawings], Bill Marly[BookDedicatee]
- Publisher:
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Tallcase clocks
ISBN: 978-1-51235490-4
Language: ENG
Notes: Note by FMM: a somewhat amusing (tounge in cheek style) Book on 'Grandfather clocks' published 'print on demand', written by British author, in a deliberately folksy manner.
Edition: 2013 -- Copyright: 2013
Kind: Book
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: Not Geographic
Topic: History
Organization: NA/other
Pages: 349 -- Height in cm: 27
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 23772 - Publisher:
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