Document Details ROLEX - OYSTER PERPETUAL SEA-DWELLER | WEMPE New York - | 1/3 page color ad in the NY-Times - Sunday Sept 12 2021 (ev.2nd co):
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Seth Thomas in Florida - The 1995 NAWCC Florida Regional Seth Thomas Watch Exhibit
SubTitle: Models and Grades - Author: D.J. Graenger
- Publisher: NAWCC
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Language: ENG
Notes: A listing of model numbers, Grades ,Sizes etc of all Seth Thomas branded watches
Edition: 1995 -- Copyright: 1995
Kind: Handbill/Flyer
Type: Watch (general)
Geographic area: USA
Topic: History
Organization: Brand
Pages: 4 -- Height in cm: 21
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: fortunat
BHM No: 15596 - Publisher: NAWCC
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