Document Details Dansk Uhrmager-Tidende 1935 (20th Volume):
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Dansk Uhrmager-Tidende 1935 (20th Volume)
SubTitle: Organ for samtlige Amts- & Localforeninger under Urmager Centralforeningen - Author: Centralforeningen, Uhrmager, Isaak S. [Editor] Jensen
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: Denmark Trade Association
Language: DAN
Notes: 20th Volume (1935) of the monthly trade magazine of the Danish professional society of the watch and clock makers, with annual index at front of volume
Edition: 1935 -- Copyright: 1935
Kind: Periodical
Type: Timekeeper (general)
Geographic area: Scandinavia
Topic: Repair
Organization: ProfAssociation
Pages: 272 -- Height in cm: 22
Print Status: 2 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
BHM No: 6680 - Publisher:
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