Document Details A Congreve Clock with Quartz Accuracy:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: A tale of a clock - online at
- Author: A.W. Crook
- Publisher:
Other Keywords: pendulum model rocking case Thursday coupling
Notes: "Abstract. A computer model has been constructed of a long case clock standing on a resilient surface, or within a case of impaired shear stiffness, whereby the head of the clock rocks in response to the swinging of its pendulum. The equations of motion are written in matrix form, and are solved by matrix inversion. The model accounts for the tendency of such a clock to stop when its driving weight has descended to about the level of the bob of the pendulum. The model predicts that the lengthening of the suspension of the weight by insertion of a link would permit the clock to run on until the weight becomes grounded. It also predicts that use of the chiming weight as a resonant absorber, by hanging it from a tuned suspension of fixed length, not only allows such a clock to run for the full term of a wind, but improves the constancy of its rate. The effects of a link, and of the resonant absorber, have been verified experimentally."
Edition: 2001 vol 22
Pages: 549-560
BHM No: 8046
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics - Publisher:
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