Titles published by Alphil:
Number of documents found: 8
- Alain Cortat
Title: Contribution a une Histoire des Cartels Suisse
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 258
BHM No: 15451 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Formation professionnelle et development indusrtiel dans le district de Porrentruy aux 19e et 20e siecles
SubTitle: Notes de Francois Fevre sur l'introduction de l'industrie horlogere dans le district de Porrentruy
Keywords: Regional
Other Keywords: history Porrentruy professional traing watchmaker
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 207
BHM No: 6781 - Regis Huguenin[Editor&Author], Jean-Michel Piguet, Rosella Baldi[ResearchSupport]
Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
SubTitle: [The history of the Neuchatel style clock from the 18th to the 21st century - Copiuosly illustrated in color ]
Keywords: reference historic CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Other Keywords: Neuchatel Neuchateloise History
Edition: 2017-05, first edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 21340 - Jean-Daniel Kleisl
Title: Piquerez SA & Ruedin SA
SubTitle: Le Patronat de la Boite de Montre dans la vallee de Delemont (1926-1982)
Other Keywords: labour casemaker Piquerez Bassecourt
Edition: 1999, 1st edition
Page or pages: 245
BHM No: 2360 - Nicole Bosshart[Introduction], Regis Huguenin, Jean-Michel Piguet, Caroline Calame, Ludwig Oechslin, Anouk Gehrig-Jaggi, Chriastian Schouwey, Patrik Gassmann, Francois Branciard, Masaki Kanazawa
Title: Planetaire de Francois Ducommun 1817 [Le..] -
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock antique
Other Keywords: orrerey
Parent Document ID: 22270 - Parent Document Title: Reves en trois temps[2018] - Automates & Merveille | [Scholarly Catalogue in Slipcase... 3 separate booklets plus one DVD]
BHM No: 22273 - Yves Droz
Title: Temoinages - Histoire d'un syndicat patronal d'horloger [Companion volume to BHM 15566]
SubTitle: [Testimonies], [Canton de Berne Suisse 1916-2006]
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Employers Union first-person Bern Berne
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13567 - Alain Corat
Title: Usines dans les Valees [Les...] - l'industriealisation Jurassienne en Images 1870-1970
SubTitle: ( Factories in the vallies - The industialisation of the [Swiss] Jura region in images 1870-1970 )
Keywords: CH/F-Jura CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Jura architectore factory
Edition: 2014 1st edition
Page or pages: 764
BHM No: 20015 - Johann Boillat
Title: Veritables Maitres du Temps [Les ....] - Le Cartel Horloger Suisse (1919-1941)
SubTitle: [ The true masters of time - the Swiss watchmaking cartel 1919-1941]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: cartel
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 758
BHM No: 19238
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