Titles published by unpublished?(Haverford):
Number of documents found: 9
- Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: 100 Horological Bookreviews [CD-ROM with mas word files]
SubTitle: 1996 - May 2010
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Edition: 2010
BHM No: 14923 - Bennet Branson
Title: Accounts of Bennet Bronson [Clockmaker], Waterbury, Connecticut, ca. 1814-1831
SubTitle: [photocopy of cursive transcript of a "ledger book", as well as a typescript version, Transcribers unidentified]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: business records accounts Bennet Branson
Edition: ca 1814 to 1831,
BHM No: 14560 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: BEHA clocks exhibited at the Wolfswinkelhalle in Eisenbach
SubTitle: The Wursthorn Collection [72 jpg files documenting the collection on CD ROM]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: BEHA Eisenbach
Edition: 2009
BHM No: 14068 - G. F. Vischer, Philipp Matthaeus Hahn
Title: Beschreibung der mechanischen Kunstwerke welche unter der Direction und Anweisung M. Phiipp Matth. Hanhs, Pfarrers in Kronwestheim, durch seine ?
SubTitle: ...Arbeiter seit sechs Jahren verfertigt worden sind.[1774] [PDF file on CD-ROM edition, source Google books]
Keywords: astronomical specific clock watch
Other Keywords: Hahn westmaschine orrery
Edition: 2010
BHM No: 14924 - G[ranville] H[ugh] Baillie, Charles K. Aked
Title: Clocks and Watches - A Historical Bibliography- Part 2: 1800-1899
SubTitle: [A Manuscript]
Keywords: bibliography reference
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 380
BHM No: 5853 - James A. Jensen
Title: Notes on Repairing Organ Clocks
Keywords: how-to basic
Other Keywords: organ
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 4294 - Daryl Bender
Title: Proposal of measuring the Precision & Ellipsity of a Foucault Pendulum
Keywords: pendulum measuring measurement sensors
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 6358 - M.R. Wehrs
Title: Rittenhouse Clock at Drexel Institute of Technology (The...) - Transcript of a typescript ca. 1962
SubTitle: (From the object files of the Drexel Collection)
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Rittenahouse Drexel 1770
Edition: 1962 ca.
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 14448 - Jos. Honold
Title: Uhren- Industrie im Schwarwalde [Die...]
SubTitle: [A typescript from 1909, part of the Spiegelhalter archives at the Franziskaner Museum in Villingen, Germany]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: typescript
Edition: 1909, summer, typescript
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 12160
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