Titles published by Archiere:
Number of documents found: 2
- James Ferguson
Title: James Ferguson: Account of Franklin's Three wheel Clock - A 2021 weboffprint of a section of the website of the USA National Archives @archives.gov]
SubTitle: [Summary of an web article dealing with the above named book on the website of the USA National Archives ]
Other Keywords: 3-wheel-clock Bebjamin Franklin, James Ferguson
Edition: 2021 Weboffprint January
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23927 - Lucio Maria Morra, Davide Dutto
Title: Segnali di tempo - Meridiane in Provinciaz di Cuena
SubTitle: [Sundials in Cuena Provionce, Italy]
Keywords: anthology catalog
Other Keywords: Cuena
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 5806
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