Titles published by National Carillion Museum:
Number of documents found: 3
- Andre Lehr
Title: Astronomical Monumental clockwork of Nagasaki Holland Village [The..]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: monumental Nagasaki Japan
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 5937 - Andre Lehr
Title: In het Nationaal Beiaardmuseum Klinken de klokken en tikken de Uurwerken
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: national towerclock carillion museum Asten
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5943 - Andre Lehr
Title: Profielconstructies van Luid- en Baiaardklokken in het Verleden
Other Keywords: bells carillon
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 6829
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