Titles published by Uhrmacher Woche:
Number of documents found: 3
- Willhelm Diebner
Title: *PC* [ Uhrmacher Woche an Clemens Riefler ]
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard 1940]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Diebner Riefler
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0029
BHM No: 14036 - Ernst vonBassermann-Jordan
Title: Kaiser Karl V. und sein letzter Uhrmacher
SubTitle: [Emperor Charles V (to 1558 in Spain) and his last clockmaker]
Other Keywords: Karl V Juanelo "Jacopo Nizzola da Trezzo" " Giovanni Torriano" Cremola
Edition: 2004 facsimile copy
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 6061 - B. Hillmann
Title: Zylindergang [Der...] - Konstruktion und Reparatur der Zylinderuhren
Keywords: escapement how-to practical
Other Keywords: cylinder
Edition: 2nd checked and improved edition
Page or pages: 93
BHM No: 7226
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