Titles published by Cetehor - Centre Technique de l'Industrie horloger:
Number of documents found: 9
- Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: Au sujet de certaines indications que preuvent fournir les appareiuls a enregistrer la marche des montres
SubTitle: Document No. 69 A - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere CETEHOR, Besancon
Keywords: measurement watch technical
Other Keywords: watch performance measurement equipment
Edition: 1952
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 11847 - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: CETEHOR - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere - Besancon
SubTitle: [Corporate PR brochure ca. 1975, with possibly later name sheet of key officials]
Keywords: clock watch contemporary technical
Other Keywords: Cetehor Besancon
Edition: 1975-04
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 18156 - Jules Haag[DedicatedTo], Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: CETEHORE - Technical Center for the French Watch Industry - Our first 10 Years - Besancon
SubTitle: Presented with he compliments of Watches of France, Inc. Information Center, 610 Fifth Avenue, New York NY
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: cetehor
Edition: 1955 ? undated
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 20442 - Paul George
Title: Controle des Resorts d'Horlogerie [Le...]
Other Keywords: winding spring
Edition: 1960s? undated
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 11937 - Patrick Augerau
Title: Horlogerie - Les Montres Ultra Compliquees - Les Rouages Lunaires
SubTitle: Receuil d'articles publies dans Cetehor Informations No. 89, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99 (1989-1994)
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) gearing watch
Other Keywords: CETEHOE lunar
Edition: 1989-1994
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 18056 - Albert Dessay
Title: Huiles d'Horlogerie [Les...]
SubTitle: Extrait de la Revue "Production Horlogere Francais"
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: oil oils
Edition: 1960s? undated
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 11938 - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: Methode Pratique de Controle de la Qualite des Montres ; Norme 15-10 (ancienne norme 20)
SubTitle: Document No. 59 E - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere CETEHOR, Besancon
Keywords: modeling technical
Other Keywords: norm standard quality contrrol
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11846 - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: mouvements francais [Les..] - Les Horloges
Keywords: reference contemporary movement
Other Keywords: manual schematics specifications
Edition: 1970s?
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 6950 - Centre Technique de l'industrie horlogere, Cetehor-
Title: mouvements francais [Les..] - Les montres
Keywords: reference contemporary movement
Other Keywords: manual schematics specifications
Edition: 1970s?
Page or pages: 131
BHM No: 6951
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