Titles published by Editions Simonin:
Number of documents found: 28
- Ludwig Oechslin
Title: Astronomische Uhren und Weltmodelle der Priestermechaniker im 18.Jahrhundert
Keywords: astro
Other Keywords: orery planetarium clergy gearcounts Philip Matthaeus Hahn San Cajatano Engelbertus Seige George Adams Niklaus Johann Klein Rinderle Nestfall
Edition: 1996, Limited Edition of 550
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 452 - Richard Chavigny
Title: Brocots [Les..]
SubTitle: une dynastie d'horlogers
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Brocot
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 225
BHM No: 668 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Communique de Presse - Invitation - Documentation
SubTitle: Dix Ecoles d'Hologerie Suisses
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2010-04-30
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15035 - Antoine Simon[Editor&Publisher], Jean-Claude Biver[Preface], Estelle Fallet, Bernard Muller[Photography]
Title: Dix Ecoles d'Horlogerie Suisses - Chef-d'oeuvre de savoir faire
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Edition: 2010-1st edition
Page or pages: 568
BHM No: 15034 - Antoine Simonin, Estelle Fallet, Bernard Muller[Photography]
Title: Dix Ecoles d'Horlogerie Suisses - Chefs-d'oevres de savoir-faire
SubTitle: [The ten horological schools of Switzerlands - Masterpieses in Know-How]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Schoolwatches Porrentruy St.Imier Solothurn Grenchen LeSentier Fleurier
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 565
BHM No: 15154 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Editions Simonin - Livres d'Horlogerie - Catalogue/Katalog [ca.2010]
SubTitle: Noter librairie de plus de 2000 ouvrages est ouvert sur rendez-vous
Keywords: catalog CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Edition: 2010 or 2011
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 16712 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1983, No.3]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 3 - 1983
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 5585 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1985 - No.6]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 6 - Novembre 1985
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 5584 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1986, No.7]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 7 - Novembre 1986
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 5583 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1988, No.8]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 8 - Mars 1988
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 5582 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1989, No.9]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 9 - Juillet 1989
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 5581 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1990, No.10]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 10 - Septembre 1990
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 5580 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1992, No.11]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 11 - Mars 1992
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 5579 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1993, No.12]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 12 - Novembre 1993
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 5578 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [1993, No.12]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 12 - Mars 1993
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Edition: 1993 no. 12
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 16646 - Antoine Simonin
Title: Livres d' Horlogerie - Horological books - Uhrenliteratur [2000. No.13]
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 13 - Fevrier 2000, & Complemant Mars 2002, & 2me Complemant Fevrier 2002
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: Simonin
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 4242 - B. Humbert
Title: Modern Calendar Watches [2007 reedition of 1954 second edition]
SubTitle: Action - Details of Calibers - Repair
Keywords: complication(s) movement technical practical
Other Keywords: calendar watch
Edition: 2007 reprint of 1954 4eition
Page or pages: 123
BHM No: 11424 - B. Humbert
Title: Moderne Kalender- und Datums-Uhren [Modern Calendar Watches]
SubTitle: Funktion - Details der Kaliber - Reparatur / Artikelserie as der Schweizerischen Uhrmacher Zeitung 1949-1953
Keywords: textbook complication(s) advanced practical
Other Keywords: calader date mechanisms service
Edition: 2007, 1st book edition in German
Page or pages: 121
BHM No: 11590 - Francois Lecoultre
Title: Montre Compliquees [Les...]with 47 foldout plates showing 54 illust - [Numbered Luxury Edition honoring the 30th Anniversary of Editions Simonin, ...
SubTitle: - Limited to 300 numbered copies] [with14 additional colored plates {loose in back pocket} showing 21 figures]
Keywords: complication(s) watch
Edition: 2013 Luxury Edition
BHM No: 19691 - Real Bosse
Title: Montre de poche sussie a travers les vallees horlogeres [La...] - Valeur sentimentale [13 geographic chaperts: 1. Geneve 2. Vallee de Joux,3. Val de..
SubTitle: ..Travere, 4 Val de Rutz, 5.Neuchatel, 6.Le Locle, 7. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 8.Bienne>Soleur, 9.Vallon St.Immier 10.Jura BE, 11.Waldenburg, 12.Schafhausen
Keywords: directory reference CH/F-Jura CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: 1. Geneve 2. Vallee de Joux,3. Val de.Travere, 4 Val de Rutz, 5.Neuchatel, 6.Le Locle, 7. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 8.Bienne > Soleur, 9.Vallon St.Immier 10.Jura BE, 11.Waldenburg, 12.Schafhausen
Edition: 2015
BHM No: 20340 - B. Humbert
Title: Montres Calendriers Modernes [Les...]
SubTitle: Foncionnement - Descripions des calibres - Reparation
Keywords: complication(s) how-to
Other Keywords: calendar date
Edition: 2007 - facsimile reprint of the 1954 edi
Page or pages: 126
BHM No: 11621 - Fritz vonOsterhausen
Title: Paul Ditisheim
SubTitle: Chronometrier
Keywords: oeuvre biography escapement metallurgy
Other Keywords: Ditisheim Guillaume
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 4681 - J.C. Nicolet
Title: Pendulerie [La...]
SubTitle: [French language Edition, 2nd edition 2011, facsimile reprint of the 1st edition of 1980]
Keywords: textbook clock basic technical practical
Edition: 2011, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 202
BHM No: 16674 - Hans Jendritzki
Title: reglage d'une montre a balacier spiral [Le...]
SubTitle: reedition digitalisee de la IIe Edition (1970)
Keywords: balancewheel adjusting advanced technical practical how-to
Other Keywords: reglage
Edition: 2006 digitally remastered edition
BHM No: 10930 - Alex Kuhn
Title: Sprungziffern-Taschenuhren [Die..]
SubTitle: [Pocketwatches with jumping digital displays]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: digital display jumping hour
Edition: 2010, First Edition
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 14776 - Autor, Ohne
Title: Technisches Zeichnen fuer Uhrmacher
SubTitle: Fotomechanische Reproduktion der Vorlageblaetter 1 bis 31 & 33
Keywords: facsimile textbook
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 5577 - Daniel Aubert
Title: vallee des montres et des horloges exceptionnels [La...] Volume III
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Valle de Joux
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 10931 - Daniel Aubert
Title: Vallee exceptionelle et ses horlogers - Volume IIII
SubTitle: [Vol.4 of a series dealing with unique artisanally made watches and clocks fom the Valle du Joux]
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura clock watch
Other Keywords: Joux
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 197
BHM No: 17352
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