Titles published by Antonio Villardi Edirore:
Number of documents found: 6
- Max Huber
Title: 150 Jahre - Andreas Huber - Jubilaeumsedition 1856-2006
SubTitle: Vorm. K.B.Hofliferant, Muenchen, Gegruendet 1856
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Huber Munich Muenchen
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 10475 - Junius Gondy
Title: Art de connaitre et soigner les montres et les pendules
SubTitle: [The art of understanding and caring for watches and clocks]
Keywords: textbook
Edition: 1904
Page or pages: 319
BHM No: 10484 - Edward J. Wood
Title: Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the earliest time
SubTitle: [1st edition]
Keywords: historic
Edition: 1866, 1st edition
Page or pages: 443
BHM No: 10486 - macy's
Title: Fine Watch Collection - the gift shopp - *macy's way to shop
SubTitle: [12 page, advertising catalog, christmass 2006, distributed with the Sunday New York Times]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 10477 - P.J. Kaiser
Title: Onderzoek tot Aankoop van Tijdmeters
SubTitle: ten Behoeve der Nederlandsche Marine in het Jaar 1881
Keywords: precision performance
Other Keywords: Rijks Zeeinstrumenten, Dutch Royal Navy
Edition: First
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 10479 - Antonio Simoni
Title: Orologi Italiani dal ciquecento all' ottocento
SubTitle: [Italian Timekeepers of the 1500's to the 1800's
Other Keywords: Italy
Edition: 1965, 1st edition
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 10487
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