Titles published by Muff Kirchtumtechnik:
Number of documents found: 8
- Thomas Muff, Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG
Title: 100 Jahre Muff AG - 01.09.2018 - 19 Tours sheduled ober the day, each visting 13 different departments, plus bell casting ceremony at 15h00
Parent Document ID: 22212 - Parent Document Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22213 - Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG, Thomas Muff
Title: 100 Jahrew Muff - FESTPROGRAMM und Preisliste
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Muff
Parent Document ID: 22212 - Parent Document Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22215 - Thomas Muff, Stefan Muff, Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG
Title: Einlladung zum Jubulaeum - 100 Jahre Muff Kirchturm Technik - Samstag 1. September 2018
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 22212 - Parent Document Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
BHM No: 22214 - Thomas Muff
Title: Klang zur Rechten Zeit [irregular periodic Newsletter of Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG, Triengen Switzerland]
SubTitle: [Newsletter of Swiss tower technology group Muff Kirchturmtechnik]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 17202 - Muff Kirchtumtechnik
Title: Muff - Glockentechnik - Kirchturmtechnik
SubTitle: DVD: 4 videos: Kloppelproduktion -Heuer Holzglockenstuhl (Wangen SZ) - Turmuhrenrestauration (Flums) - Die Stimme Oesterreichs (St.Stephansdom Wien)
Keywords: monumental/big
Other Keywords: Muff bellfry tower bell
Edition: 2006
BHM No: 10972 - Thomas Muff
Title: Muff - seit 1918 - Der Klang zur rechten Zeit [Ausgabe 2015]
SubTitle: [Corporate capabilities folder (looseleaf) 2015edition of Swiss towerclock, ringing equipment, steeplejack, clapper and bellfrys company]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 20118 - Muff Kirchturmtechnik
Title: Muff - Turmuhren - Lautsysteme
SubTitle: Joh. Muff AG, CH-6234 Triengen
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: bells bellfry St.Peter
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 10975 - Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG
Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
SubTitle: [includes tour schedule, Festprogramm. 6 page cardboard fanfold
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: bells towerclock
Edition: 2018-09-01
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 22212
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