Titles published by David E. Murphy:
Number of documents found: 2
- David E. Murphy
Title: Skeleton Clocks -Collection for sale (42 items) ca 1998 - David E. Murphy - DEnver Colorado
SubTitle: (17 p. documentaion including b&w and color pictures)
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1998 ca
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 23170 - David E. Murphy
Title: Skeleton Clocks Collection for Sale - David E. Murphy, DEnver Colorado
SubTitle: [An undated listing of a 59 skeleton clocks collection offered for sale]
Keywords: catalog skeletonised clock antique
Other Keywords: skel;eton clock
Edition: 1980s? guess, undated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11148
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