Titles published by Crescent:
Number of documents found: 5
- Allen Smith, Peter [Illustrator] Fitzjohn
Title: Antique Collectors Guides: Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: American, European and Japanese Timepieces
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: identifying
Edition: 1989, American Edition
Page or pages: 222
BHM No: 12146 - Michael Pearson
Title: Beauty [The?] of Clocks
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 1434 - John (Editor) Hunter
Title: Clocks - An illustrated history of timepieces
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1286 - Eric Bruton
Title: History of Clocks and Watches [The?]
Edition: 1982, USA Edition
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 1437 - J.B. Priestley
Title: Man and Time
SubTitle: A personal essay exploring the eternal riddle: the theories, the philosophy, the scientific disco?
Keywords: time philosophy
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 319
BHM No: 527
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