Titles published by Foto Meier, Furtwangen:
Number of documents found: 6
- unknown
Title: *PC* Schwarzwalder Uhrenschildmaler - Burgermeister a.D. Straub, 7743 Linach bei Furtwangen
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard] Nr. 276,
Keywords: dial
Other Keywords: schildmaler dialpainter
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0035
BHM No: 14041 - Hugo Maier[Photography]
Title: Alte Uhren '85
SubTitle: [a monthly calendar for 1985]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 19680 - Hugo Maier[Photography]
Title: Alte Uhren '87
SubTitle: [a monthly calendar for 1987]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 19679 - Hugo Maier[Photography]
Title: Alte Uhren '88
SubTitle: [a monthly calendar for 1988]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1988
BHM No: 19681 - Hugo Maier[Photography], Richard Muhe
Title: Uhren '77
SubTitle: [a monthly calendar for 1977] [Jan throgh March missing]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19694 - Hugo Maier[Photography]
Title: Uhren '83
SubTitle: [a monthly calendar for 1983]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 19682
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