Titles published by Turret Clock Group, AHS:
Number of documents found: 3
- Chris McKay
Title: Guide to Turret Clock Research
SubTitle: Proceedings of a Seminar
Other Keywords: research guide
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 59
BHM No: 50 - Chris McKay
Title: Turret Clock Keepers Handbook [The?] - A practical guide for those who Look after a Turret Clock
SubTitle: AHS Turret Clock Group Monograph No. 4
Keywords: how-to basic
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 4925 - Chris Pickford
Title: Turret Clocks: Lists od Clocks from makers' catalogues and publicity materials
SubTitle: Monograph no.3 of the Turret Clock Group, Antiquarian Horological Society
Keywords: directory makers
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 179
BHM No: 5335
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