Titles published by Heel Verlag, Koenigswinter, Germany:
Number of documents found: 15
- Monika Meyer-Hassfutter, Werner Meyer-Larsen
Title: 500 Jahre Navigation - 15. is 19. Jahrhundert
SubTitle: [500 years of Navigation - 15t to 19th century - In German]
Keywords: astronomy
Edition: 2005 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 253
BHM No: 20153 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 1996 [No. 1,2,3,5]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996
BHM No: 16936 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 1997 [No.4]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1997
BHM No: 16935 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 2005 [No. ,2,3,4,6,]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2005
BHM No: 17085 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 2006 [No.1 ,2,3,4,6,7]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 17040 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 2007 [No. 1,2,3,4,6]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 17041 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 2008 [No. 1,2,3,4,7]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2008
BHM No: 17086 - Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: Armband Uhren [Magazine -D] 2009 [No. 1,2,3,4,]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2009
BHM No: 17087 - Johannes Altmeppen, Herbert Dittrich
Title: Deutsche Einheits Chronometer {Das...] - Chronometer fur Marine und Luftwaffe von Wempe, A. Lange & Soohne, Poljot
SubTitle: [The German Standard Chronometer for Navy and Airforce (1940s ff)]
Keywords: cert.chronometer
Other Keywords: Wempe Poljot Lange
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 17377 - Peter Braun, Iris Wimmer-Olbort
Title: Deutschen Uhrenmarken im Portraet [Die...]
SubTitle: [Portraits of German Watch Brands]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2015 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 20463 - Klaus Dinger
Title: Grossuhr [Die...] - Pendule, Regulator und Co. - Technik, Geschichte, Instandhaltung und Reparatur
SubTitle: [The Clock - Technology, History, Maninenance and Repair]
Keywords: clock basic practical how-to
Edition: 2014, 1st edition
Page or pages: 217
BHM No: 19424 - R. Lavest, E.Donauer[Translator], Max Bossart[HorologicalExpert], Michal Stern[EditorOf2016Facsimile]
Title: Grundlegende Kentnisse der Uhrmacherei [Facsimile Edition of ] Zweite Auflage 1943, aus dem Franzoesischen Uebersetzt
SubTitle: [Basic Knowledge for Horologists - 2016 Facsimile reedition -in German- of a 1945 translation of French language Swiss textbook]
Keywords: facsimile textbook clock watch
Edition: 2016 facsimile edition of 1945 original
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 21114 - W. Brauns, O. Boeckle, Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Lehrbuch fuer das Uhrmacherhandwerk - Arbeitsfertigkeiten und Werkstoffe - mit 226 Abbildungen, 23 tab./Tafeln, 520 Stichwoertern [Ausgabe 2010]
SubTitle: [Textbok for horological carftsman, (reedition 2010 of a German Textbook popular in the 1940s to 1950s)]
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 248
BHM No: 17719 - Hermann Sievert, Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Leitfaden fuer die Uhrmacherlehre [Facsimile] Reprint [der 14.Auflage] von 1938
SubTitle: [Textbook for Horological Apprentices [Facsimile] Reprint of a 1938 [14th edition] publication
Keywords: reference textbook historic watch
Edition: 2015 facsimile of 1938
Page or pages: 543
BHM No: 21112 - W. Sander, M. Loeske[Editor], Michael Stern[EditorOfFacsimileEd]
Title: Uhrenlehre - Die wichtigsten mechanischen, physikalischen und technologischen Grundsaetze...- [2016 Facsimile reprint of 1923 Edition]
SubTitle: [Horological Apprentiship - The most important mechanical,.... Principles for constructing movements ...for designers and repairers]
Keywords: reference facsimile textbook clock watch
Edition: 2016 facsimile edition of 1923 original
Page or pages: 305
BHM No: 21113
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